The Hunt is divided into 3 phases: The Search, The Chase & the Kill.
The Search is a SR vs the Rarity of the animal. If wanting to randomly pick an animal an SR is made and the choice may be made from any eligible beasts from the highest level passed or lower. The roll may be modified by a hunstman who may roll a Bonus Die which may be substituted for either rolled die in the SR (and yes, you may create doubles this way). A Fumble will result in the character becoming LOST.
Blaewen set out to hunt whatever beast first presented itself and this turned out to be a red stag (Rarity: Level 1/ Avoidance: Level 2/ MR: 10 [2d+5 Combat dice]). His Forester rolls a Bonus Die which Blaewen uses in place of his own creating instead a 10 (double 5s) and a rerolled 5 + his Luck of 12 for a total of 27. Blaewen quickly find the Deer and he then pursues it.
The Chase is undertaken next and is also a SR, this time against the Avoidance level of the quarry. The chase may be modified by the presence of a Huntsman and/or Hounds. If the SR is unsuccessful the chase may continue for as many additional rolls as it takes but increase the level by one for each successive roll after the first. A Fumble will result in the character becoming LOST.Luckily Blaewen has both a pack and a Forester and so he passes the second level SR necessitated by the Stag's Avoidance level. The pack quickly runs down the deer and Blaewen lets them loose upon it's antlers.
The Kill. This is basically an All-Out combat with the cornered creature. Hounds and their prey do not make SRs but merely inflict the rolled damage on each other. Damage done will kill/ wound hounds reducing the packs MR each round.Blaewen watches, from safety, as his pack attacks the stag. The pack starts with a MR of 35 (7 per hound) and Combat Dice of 4d+17; the total rolled is 28. The Stag swings it's antlers around hooking one hound and wounding another (combat dice: 2d+5, a total of 11 is rolled). The hounds easily overwhelm the deer but not without some blood loss.
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