Sunday, June 19, 2011

First Adventure: The Giant's Moor

I. The Giant
Moor-Rescue- Mundane- Shepherdess-(Faery-Giant)
When setting out on Adventure Sir Blaewen sets his horse to the South towards the Moors. After 3 days of riding through the wilderness (with no random encounters) he hears the screams of a damosel in distress and rides to a vantage point. There he spies a Giant (I rolled STR x5 and got = MR 75, 8d+38 ) pursuing a shepherdess with bad intent. A giant of this size is clearly beyond Sir Blaewen's ability to kill in a straightforward fight, so he decides that he will attempt to surprise the Giant and land a free attack. I make a 2nd level SR vs DEX and succeed. He also attempts to hamstring the brute, thus settling the matter. His SR vs Swordsmanship fails and so Sir Blaewen sneaks up on the Giant from behind and drives his sword deep into his torso (reducing the Giants MR to 40 something ) . Blood flows in buckets from the giant who turns, swinging a club wildly and knocks Sir Blaewen back. The Knight takes 4 points of damage, after armor. He stands and dodges the giant's next swing (SR3 vs DEX due to armor), and then strikes another hard blow against his enemy (reducing the Giant another 20 some points). Failing his next attempt to dodge, Sir Blaewen stands back and calls to the suffering Giant. He offers his mercy if the giant will leave the shepherdess alone. A 2nd Level SR vs the Persuasion Trait was made and succeeds. The giant grunts his assent and limps off into the depths of the Moor. 
Notes: I gave Blaewen many opportunities to utilize his Traits since that was the only way he would have a chance to defeat it. 
II. The Wolves
Moor-Combat-Mundane- beasts- Wolves-6
A Lady of the Lake
Reaper Miniatures, P3 Paints
Blaewen, unwisely, decides to proceed into the wilds while still suffering from his wounds. A few days later, upon another fog shrouded moor, he is beset by a pack of six wolves. I ruled that only three wolves at a time could engage the knight. He uses his Swordsmanship trait to inflict any damage on one wolf at a time. Unfortunately for Blaewen I miscalculated the Combat Dice for his opponents. The Wolves had MR:12 (2d+6) but as a group of 3 they would have a MR of 36 with Combat dice 4d+18. Instead I added the dice together for a total of 6d+18! Blaewen, depite his armor was slowly nipped to unconciousness and would have provided a meal for the wolves had not a Lady of the Lake & her armed men shown up and scattered the beasts.
III. The Castle of the Lady
Sir Blaewen was taken by the Lady and her company to her castle, several miles to the East. There he was healed after a long rest... She asked of him a boon, to defeat the Lord of the XX, at his domicile some miles from there.
Before the next adventure I will roll on the (soon to be created) Romance table.

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